Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The complete list of participants

KILI2008 will have participants from 6 different countries (ok..., maybe 5 and half since Machiel is Dutch but is living in Portugal - love demands).

I apologize to not include the name of the porters and drivers (they will also be essential for the project), but the complete list of scientific and technical participants are:

Rui Fernandes (UBI, IDL)
Machiel Bos (UP, CIIMAR)
Miguel Miranda (UL, IDL)
Joaquim Luís (UAlg, CIMA)
Jorge Santos (UC, INESCC)
André Sá (IPG, IDL)

John A. Msemwa (SMD)
Saburi John (ARU)
Essau Mligo (SMD)
Goodchance J. Tetti (SMD)
Hassan M. Ubwa (SMD)
John R. Sorwa (SMD)
Maenda Kwimbere (ARU)
Elifuraha Saria (ARU)
Paul Emmanuel (ARU)

Hussein Farah (RCMRD)
Charles Muya Kamamia (RCMRD)

Elsayed Issawi (NRIAG)
Anwar Radwan (NRIAG)

Rob Painter (Trimble)

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