Yesterday, we told you that Rui was also stuck in Dar es Salaam... Of course that we could have immediately told why, but we wanted to create suspense... Millions and millions of people reading our blog asking what happened... After all, if you can enter (as I just did) in a Tanzanian hotel and you start to hear Portuguese and you look around until you find out that about 10 person from India are seated in the front of the TV watching a Brazilian soap in the National Mozambican Channel, you can also create a little bit of suspense here... The people will enjoy for sure.
And let me tell you also that this story looks as an American movie... It has an happy ending (I know, I just spoiled the story).
But the story is simple... My luggage consisted of two pieces... One arrived and the other not... Following Murphy's law, the bag that disappear had all my climbing material, almost all my clothes (including, naturally, the boxers and socks) and, the worst thing: the bottle of Licor Beirão that we will take to the top... The drama, the horror, imediatelly stroke me, in particular after they told me that they had no idea where the bag was... Lisbon? Gatwick? Dubai? (at least in Dubai the bottle was safe, but if the bag was in Gatwick?)
Another call in the night, same answer: no traces of the bottle, sorry, no traces of the bag... Please, call again at 11:00... I didn't. But John Msewma did... And voilá, they told him that the bottle, sorry, the bag, was in Dubai and was coming... It could pass Gatwick alive!
Finally, a couple of hours ago, I got my bag back... Now, after all the things that happened with the traveling, I'm considering if I should take the bottle to the top or just drinking it... But it is not fun to drink alone... I could consider to go downstairs and share the bottle with the 10 Indians, but I will prefer to just take it with me and try to do a Caipirão in the top of Kilimanjaro.
Tomorrow, I'm heading to Moshi at 07:00... We will discuss if we will postpone one day the start of the climb or if we still start on Wednesday (I really would like to be on the top on October 6th - a very special date to me 18 years ago...)